[Infographie] La visibilité et la sécurité des vélos en 2020

[Infographic] Visibility and safety of bicycles in 2020

There are no official statistics on the number of bicycle accidents.

However,1 in 3 cyclists say they have already had a cycling accident(fall, collision or collision).

On the other hand, another statistic sends shivers down your spine...
Every year, more than 250 people die following a bicycle accident!

As this famous road safety ad reminds us, motorists on the roads are as fragile as eggs. Imagine the risk cyclists run!

road safety advertising

Bicycle safety is becoming a major issue, and even a public health issue!

So yes, havecycling safety accessories is necessary to limit the damage. But that is not everything.

A few practical tips can help you feel more secure and avoid disappointments.

In the saddle, we explain everything to you!

In this article we will see:

What safety accessories are required on a bicycle?

Is it compulsory to have a helmet when cycling?

We hear everything and its opposite about wearing a helmet when cycling. However, the legislation is very clear on the subject.

For a child under the age of 12, wearing a helmet on a bicycle is compulsory, whether they are a driver or a passenger! Obviously, the helmet must be attached and approved (“CE” marking).

children's bicycle helmet required

For people over 12 years old, helmet is not obligatory, but remains strongly recommended.

Failure to respect the obligation to wear a helmet for a child under 12 years old is punishable by a fixed fine of €135.

The 3 other mandatory pieces of equipment for cyclists

  • The reflective vest

Outside built-up areas only, when visibility is insufficient (often at night or during poor weather conditions), the user of a bicycle (driver as a passenger) must be equipped with a high visibility luminous vest or reflective vest!< /p>

  • The 6 mandatory lights on a bike

    red rear reflector

    A reflector is a light-reflecting system used to signal the bicycle to other road users.

    2) orange reflectors visible from the side

    87% of respondents believe that bicycle indicators are essential at night🤩

    We surveyed more than 4,000 cyclists by email and via specialized Facebook groups in November and December 2020.
    Thank you to all participants for helping us construct this study.

    This reinforces our idea that bicycle indicators will become soon a standard for all bikes! Discover the results👇

    If you have reached here, first of all thank you and do not hesitate to order our wireless bicycle indicator Titly™ for €19.99 on our site www.bike-in-light .com


    for children under 8 years old or if floor markings allow it.

    An exception for bicycles: the M12 sign

    You have probably already seen this sign under many traffic lights.

    This is the give way for cyclists. Even if the light is red, it allows cyclists to pass in the direction of the arrow, giving priority to pedestrians.

    m12 panel for bicycles

    What bicycle accessories and equipment to improve your safety?

    Apart from the obligatory reflective and luminous accessories, there are other solutions to complete your cycling safety equipment.

    We present below some safety accessories that we think are interesting to use for cycling safely.

    Bike indicators

    We are not objective because this is the product we sell on our store.

    Nevertheless, we are convinced of the safety that bicycle turn signals.

    Under the saddle, on the helmet, at the front and/or at the rear, you indicate, using a remote control, the direction in which you are going to turn.

    No more raising your arm to signal a change of direction.

    change direction with arm raised

    Both hands kept on the handlebars for better stability and a signal visible from more than 100 meters for road users behind you!


    A rear-view mirror

    Fixed to the handlebars, the rear-view mirror is the ideal complementary accessory to the indicator. No need to turn your head 180 degrees to see what's going on behind your back.

    Why are motorists taught to indicate a change of direction with a turn signal, then to check rear visibility with a rear-view mirror before turning? For greater security!

    The cyclist also has the right to equip himself with this accessory to control what is happening behind him.

    bicycle mirror

    Hands on the handlebars thanks to the indicator, and eyes fixed on the road thanks to the rear-view mirror. This is an essential safety kit for your bike!

    The danger spreader

    No, it's not the title of a horror film.

    It is an interesting accessory which allows you to establish a safe distance from other users of the road.

    This spacer encourages motorists to respect distances when overtaking you, particularly in built-up areas when traffic is heavy and the lanes are narrow.

    bicycle danger spacer

    2 reflectors (front and rear) complete this spacer for better visibility at night.

    Light bracelet or visibility armband

    Clack and clack! In 2 seconds, you have put your reflective armbands on your wrists, biceps and/or ankles.

    We're quite a fan of the model that you can find at Decathlon (we don't have any shares with them!)

    87% of respondents believe that bicycle indicators are essential at night🤩

    We surveyed more than 4,000 cyclists by email and via specialized Facebook groups in November and December 2020.
    Thank you to all participants for helping us construct this study.

    This reinforces our idea that bicycle indicators will become soon a standard for all bikes! Discover the results👇

    If you have reached here, first of all thank you and do not hesitate to order our wireless bicycle indicator Titly™ for €19.99 on our site www.bike-in-light .com


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